Run a Metal Blockchain VPS node
There are many options to choose from to set-up a VPS cost effectively such as: AWS (E.G AWS Lightsail), Google Cloud, Alibaba, Vultr, Kamatera, Microsoft Azure and more. Most will use very similar steps as in this guide, but with different configuration options and price range.
For this guide, we will use Contabo.
A Contabo VPS (not a referral link) with at least 8 vCPU Cores is sufficient to run your own Metal node as seen in Chapter 01.
You should get a Cloud VPS 3 or 4 that features at least
8 vCPU Cores
24-48GB RAM
800+ GB SSD
32 TB Outgoing Traffic Unlimited Incoming Traffic.

As seen in the image above, you can select the timeframe here and the region on which the VPS would be hosted. It’s best to select the 12-month option as you’ll reduce the monthly price and the setup fee is free.

Sometimes they have a promotion where you can upgrade for free to 1.2TB, so select this when available. For the image, make sure to select Ubuntu 22.04, as this is the latest stable release (NOTE: You can also verify and ask in the Validators Chat which is the most stable version).

Next, you will need to enter a password to use SSH Keys you can add them in their Customer Control Panel later on. If needed you could add any of the listed upgrades but it’s not really required to run a node. Click on the next button to finalize the purchase by entering your personal information. Once purchased, an email will be sent with a link to check your order status. It can take a few hours for Contabo to set up the VPS. Once they’ve set up the VPS, you’ll receive an email with all the VPS details like the IP address and how to log into their service, and so on. It will look like this:

By confirming access to your node, you can continue to Chapter 3.
There are many options to choose from to set-up a VPS cost effectively such as: AWS (E.G AWS Lightsail), Google Cloud, Alibaba, Vultr, Kamatera, Microsoft Azure and more. Most will use very similar steps as in this guide, but with different configuration options and price range.
For this guide, we will use Contabo.
A Contabo VPS (not a referral link) with at least 8 vCPU Cores is sufficient to run your own Metal node as seen in Chapter 01.
You should get a Cloud VPS 3 or 4 that features at least
8 vCPU Cores
24-48GB RAM
800+ GB SSD
32 TB Outgoing Traffic Unlimited Incoming Traffic.

As seen in the image above, you can select the timeframe here and the region on which the VPS would be hosted. It’s best to select the 12-month option as you’ll reduce the monthly price and the setup fee is free.

Sometimes they have a promotion where you can upgrade for free to 1.2TB, so select this when available. For the image, make sure to select Ubuntu 22.04, as this is the latest stable release (NOTE: You can also verify and ask in the Validators Chat which is the most stable version).

Next, you will need to enter a password to use SSH Keys you can add them in their Customer Control Panel later on. If needed you could add any of the listed upgrades but it’s not really required to run a node. Click on the next button to finalize the purchase by entering your personal information. Once purchased, an email will be sent with a link to check your order status. It can take a few hours for Contabo to set up the VPS. Once they’ve set up the VPS, you’ll receive an email with all the VPS details like the IP address and how to log into their service, and so on. It will look like this:

By confirming access to your node, you can continue to Chapter 3.